The first, and most important thing to understand about what you are getting strange readings is how the sensor operates. Our sensor units operate using infrared lights. This light signal is emitted upward (the emitters are the light colored optics on your sensor pad). When the unit is powered, you will see 3 of these emitters firing at all times. These are the trigger emitters. You will see 1 in each of the trigger row openings. It needs to be extremely dark for you to see these with the naked eye. You can, however, see them quite easily through any LCD viewfinder on a camera (including most camera phones). They will appear BRIGHT WHITE through the viewfinder.
This infrared signal reflects off the bottom of your club (or club tape) and back down to the detectors on the sensor unit. When your club goes over the "triggers", the remaining emitters are fired - thus enabling the sensor unit to record all of your club data. NOTE: When the sensor unit goes into Slow-swing mode, you will notice that ALL emitters are on which allows the sensor to record the slower swing speed.
Since the sensor operates with these emitters, it is very sensitive to lighting and reflections. This is also why cleaning the sensor unit is so important. If any dust or debris cover these emitters or detectors, it will disrupt the signal and thus the sensor cannot do their jobs. Here are a few things that can cause erroneous readings:
- Dust, dirt, sensor pad lubricant and/or debris in the sensor holes.
- Improperly taped clubs.
- If you hit the ball on the Toe or Heel of the club, the reflective tape on the bottom of the club will not pass over all of the impact row of sensors, causing the center (at impact) club face reading to appear extremely open or closed.
- Lighting: The P3ProSwing uses infrared sensor and detectors. Certain artificial (incandescent light - ceiling fans) and natural lighting conditions can cause erroneous readings. There should not be any bright lights directly over the pad. If you hold your golf club over the pad, and can see a hard shadow, you may have too much direct light.
- There should not be any reflective surfaces close to the pad, such as glass doors, mirrors, ect. These can cause false one club face readings.
- Applying regular black tape to your clubs instead of the P3ProSwing tape. (If you have an odd shaped or oversized putter, be sure to cover the entire bottom, including any holes, with the P3ProSwing Putting Tape.
- Extremely long distances and/or very high club head speeds - This is usually caused by the club tape allowing the reflective portion of the bottom of the club to show through. Usually it is the leading edge of the tape that has begun to peel back allowing the club to become exposed.
- About club head speeds: Club head speed is determined by the time it takes for your club to go from the entrance row to the impact row (Entrance club head speed) and from the impact row to the exit row (exit club head speed). The distances of these rows of optics are fixed, so once you have the time recorder over these fixed distances, it is a simple calculation to change these thousands of a second per inch into mile per hour. With that said, if anything other than your club head causes these detectors to record, it will cause your club head speeds to be inaccurate. Club head speed is a vital part of the calculation of distance. Note that it is quite normal, when hitting a real golf ball, to see a dramatic reduction in club head speed on the exit. The golf club speed (momentum) is transferred from the shaft to the ball, causing the golf ball to 'launch'. This transferred energy (momentum) is lost from the club, causing this dramatic reeducation in club head speed an tremendous increase in ball speed (from its standing position of 0 MPH to the calculated ball speed displayed). Since all information is recorder from the club, the ball speed is a calculation and not a recorder value.
- Environmental Issues - This is somewhat of a generic description, but is relevant to where the sensor pad is being used and the environment surrounding the sensor. The issue(s) could be related to thing such as reflection and/or lighting. It can also be caused by fast moving shadows over the sensor unit.
A very common misconecption is that if you turn all the lights off in a room, that you cannot have a reflection. Theoretically, this would be true. But in general use, it is not. An example would be to turn all the lights (and your television) off in the room with your television. Now, put your hand in front of the television. More likely than not, you will see a shadow of your hand on the television screen. You cannot have a shadow without lighting and/or reflection. Thus, although it is dark - you still have enough light for a reflection. Being that you are swinging a golf club at a high rate of speed and it likely has a high reflective shaft and/or club head, it does not take much light to cause the sensor to fire on a P3ProSwing sensor unit.
Remember that the sensor on the unit are designed to be extremely sensitive so that you can get the most accurate results from it.