Assure only 1 driver:
Click the Windows Start Button (bottom left corner of the screen)
Go to Control Panel
Select Programs and Features
A list of installed programs will load. Allow this to finish populating before moving forward.
Scroll to the bottom and check for 'Windows Driver Package - Silicon Laboratories...'
To the right will be a version number. The current version should be
If you have any others listed, left click to highlight one of them. Then click uninstall at the top.
Repeat step 7 until you only have version installed.
Restart your computer and test for issues in the software
NOTE: if you do not have version, then:
Uninstall all of the Silicon Labs drivers.
Restart your computer
Download the latest driver at www.p3proswing.com/downloads/P3Driver.exe
Once download has completed, run the program.