If you have course DVDs prior to version 7.000 and have installed the new ProGolf Software you will get a directory unknown error when trying to reinstall your course DVDs.

This is because the registry entries that the DVDs are looking for have changed with the ProGolf software.

Here is your solution:

1.Download the following 2 files:

a. Pre-Course installer: https://www.hightail.com/download/ZWJVeUNFdVVOMURIRHNUQw

                    Mirror Site:   http://www.mediafire.com/file/oqdbxig6279uue7/PreCourseInstaller.exe/file

b. Post-Course installer: https://www.hightail.com/download/ZWJVeUNFdVVVbTl3SGNUQw

                    Mirror Site:   http://www.mediafire.com/file/x9hselyljlo1fpg/PostCourseInstaller.exe/file

2. Right Click on the Icon, and click on 'Run as Administrator' on the Pre Course Installer

3.Install all their Course DVDs

4.Right Click on the Icon, and click on 'Run as Administrator' on the Post Course Installer

The Pre Course Installer will replicate the Registry Keys necessary to install. The Post Course Installer will then clean up and remove the Registry Keys that are not necessary for the software they have installed.