Generally you should not see missed swings at all, as long as the swing itself meets the following criteria:

  1. Crosses one of the 3 triggers on the unit
  2. Crosses all rows of the sensor unit (Trigger, Entrance, Impact, & Exit.)
  3. Swing is within 3 1/2" of the unit at all rows.
    • Remember that if you are swinging too steep, that you are likely too high over the trigger units to activate the sensor unit. This is common with current teaching methods for irons, especially while chipping.
  4.  Unit is clean (P3ProSwing Unit Cleaning Guide)
  5. Lighting is appropriate for the unit (See the environmental issues at the bottom of the Erroneous Readings page).
  6. Clubs are taped properly.

It is recommended to test with a chrome-plated (shiny silver) iron to see if the issue persists. Most irons do not need to have tape on them (provided they are standard size and a chrome-plated finish). If you have dull finished irons or "fat irons", then you will likely need to tape them. By using an iron without tape, you are eliminating the possibility of the tape causing the issue you are experiencing.

Generally, if lighting is causing missed shots, you can simply test by turning off the lights. Note that turning off the lights DOES NOT eliminate the possible issues with reflection (See Erroneous Readings page for more information on lightings and reflections) but it should eliminate missed shots due to lighting issues.

If all of the above criteria are met, and you are still missing shots, it is possible that there is a problem with one of the triggers on the front of the unit. You'll note that in each trigger opening you will find 2 optical components (not counting the Slow-Swing mode indicator in the middle opening). There is a light colored optic called an emitter (which emits the infrared signal up) and a detector (which detects the infrared signal that is reflected back [by the club or the club tape]). You can check to see if the emitters are firing in the following manner:
  1. If you are in a dark enough environment, you will see that each trigger opening will have an emitter that is emitting a dim red light.
  2. With a Digital Camera, like those on most cell phones, take a picture of your unit (while the RED Slow-Swing Mode light indicator is on).
  3. Swing over the triggers and watch to see if the longer rows of optics flash.
  • You will want to test each side by taking a swing that only passes along that side making sure it only passes over that particular trigger. Take a swing making sure that the whole swing passes through the first zone only, then take one passing through zone 2 only. If one or both fails then you know that particular trigger is out. The swing will have to be fast enough so it records, so a few tries may be necessary before determining. The red circle areas are the trigger areas themselves.
A Few things to remember:
  • Just because an emitter is 'firing' does not mean it is emitting enough signal to work properly.
  • There is no way, outside of our repair facility, to test that the detector is working (so the signal may be going up, but not being detected when it comes back down).
  • Another thing to pay attention to is whether it seems to be missing only certain types of swings (inside-out, square, or outside-in). This can give you an idea that something is wrong.
Details and steps to verify issue:
  1. No Power
    1. Check to make sure the unit is getting power. The easiest way to do this is by opening the P3ProSwing Golf Software, and selecting the Practice Green from the 'Game Modes' menu. This will put it into 'Slow-Swing mode' which is designated by a bright red light in the front of the middle trigger.
    2. If the unit is not getting power, check the power cord to make sure it is plugged into the unit properly, as well as properly plugged into either a power strip that is turned on, or into a live wall outlet. Verify the power strip or wall outlet is active by plugging another device into it that doesn't run on batteries.
    3. Also, check to make sure that the power cord is not broken, or kinked. This can cause the wires inside the plastic sheathing to break, interrupting power flow.
    4. If you still do not have power, contact P3ProSwing Technical Support.
  2. No Tape / Reflective Strip
    1. If you do not have your clubs taped, you will likely not see readings. Please follow the taping instruction guide.
    2. You may have lost your reflective strip. If the reflective strip is not in place on the bottom of your club, please follow the taping instruction guide to re-tape your club.
    3. See a taping guide for instructions.
  3. Improper Swings
    1. Too far Inside-out / Outside-in
      • If your club is too far inside, or outside, of the trigger row on the sensor, the sensor will not fire emitters to capture your swing's data.
      • Verify the sensor works by taking a short, quick swing, crossing all of the sensor rows over the sensor. If the readings appear on the screen, the sensor is working properly, please correct your swing.
    2. Too high above optics
      • The P3ProSwing Sensor Unit only registers swing when they are within 3 1/2 inches of the sensor unit. This distance is measured from the top of the unit itself, (the rubber top) not the top of the grass.
      • Coming in too steeply to the ball can cause you to miss the trigger rows, and cause the sensor not the register the swing.
      • You must cross the trigger row, entrance row, and exit row, within 3 1/2 inches of those rows, in order for the sensor to properly register your swing.


If you are still experiencing trouble with your sensor unit, please use the "Submit a Ticket" link at the top of the screen to submit a help request to our Technical Support department.